A message from Benjamin
It’s when I receive messages like this that my heart is truly filled with gratitude, so much so that I have to pinch myself because I can hardly believe it’s me who gets to do this work.
I received this message ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/1__ZZox--40jTKjIBkulx_S5l5AI76D1F/view) a few weeks ago from Benjamin, one of the members in my Results Mastermind Group. I got his permission to share a clip of the message with you because the truth is, this really does work.
In our group, we’ve been looking at the process of visualization, how your thoughts create your reality, and the power of focusing on what it is that you want versus worrying about what you don’t want to happen.
And when you start understanding these things, you’re able to apply them to your life, and you come to find that all of this really does work.
I would encourage you to listen to this short message. It’s only about a minute long.
And just be encouraged that wherever you are in your life, you can start today. Even if up until now you’re not satisfied with the results you’ve gotten in your life.
The truth is, we all have the opportunity (at any given moment) to change course— to make a decision to start fresh and to go in a new direction.
Benjamin made that decision, and he’s been very purposeful and intent on following through on that decision. And it has paid off. Just look at this picture of the beautiful home he and his family now live in.
Truly, they are so grateful. And I am celebrating with them.
So, trust the process and know that this doesn’t just work for some people— it works for everyone. In fact, it’s working for you right now, whether you realize it or not.
You’re manifesting your life right here and now as you read this email.
But let me ask you this: are you manifesting what you want or what you don’t want?
So, let me encourage you to lean in and to truly trust the process.
It works and it works every single time it’s tried.
Again, I just feel overwhelmed with gratitude that I get to be connected with people like Benjamin, and people like yourself who are committed to growing and expanding their lives so they can have a greater impact on the world.
That’s what this world needs more than anything.