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A lesson my 5 year old taught me

A lesson my 5 year old taught me

We’ve all had those moments of epiphany…

Those moments when our young children teach us a life lesson about ourselves or reveal a great truth unknown to the average person.

Something I’ve noticed in my boys, Caleb and Emerson, is that they’re not afraid to ask for what they want.

I’m amazed at the level of skill they have when it comes to asking for what they want – and in such an influential way.

Emerson will come into the kitchen and ask what’s for dinner, and nonchalantly say something like, “Well, do you think we could have dessert after?” –  In the most cute and unassuming way.

In his mind, he has a great expectation for dessert. He knows he wants it, and he feels it’s a reasonable request. So, naturally, he asks without much thought.

He doesn’t second guess himself or think to himself, “It’s not worth it. What if they say no? What are they going to think of me?”

No – that’s just silly. But how many times do we get hung up on the possibility of a “no,” when we’re asking someone for something?

How many times do we feel uncomfortable asking for what we want? Specifically in sales, think about how you feel when asking for the close.

Do you feel hesitant or doubtful before you’ve even asked?

Why is it so much easier for Caleb and Emerson to ask for things?

Well, probably because they haven’t developed that insecurity, fear, or lack of competence around speaking their truth and asking for what they want.

But so many of us have. We’ve been conditioned to stay in our comfort zone, and we have this belief that asking for what we want is considered overstepping. Not only that, but typically asking for what we want requires us to get out of our comfort zone and into the unknown.

And we don’t like that. We've all been told, "better safe than sorry."

What if we started viewing our sales conversations in the way that Emerson and Caleb approach asking for what they want?

Maybe we’re making it more complicated than it needs to be.

What if, instead, we began to approach our sales conversations like this:

  1. With the firm belief that when you’re asking someone to buy from you, it’s a reasonable request.

Think about it. When you approach it like this, you’ll start to ask in a way where you truly believe there's a good reason for them to say yes – ultimately reminding them of the emotions they’ll experience if they decide to move forward with you in that positive direction.

  1. Not being afraid to ask for it because you know it’s ultimately going to help them and serve them.

If what you’re offering is a program that they need, it’s about stepping forward with confidence and the right communication to share how this is going to help them, and why they need to take this step. It’s about not backing down or hesitating during that final step of asking for the close.

What a profound lesson from two young boys, am I wrong?

I encourage you to start thinking like this next time you go in for the close. Think about it from a child's perspective and don't overcomplicate it in your mind.

And if you want more sales tips – without having to spend a dime – pre-register for my Live Sales Training that’s taking place very soon!

You can click here to register.

I believe in you and I believe in your dream!!