To be successful in today’s world, how you think about yourself and others is critical. In these lessons, your clients will learn to challenge old beliefs, uncover their blind spots, and change their thoughts to transform their results.
Are You Thinking The Right Thoughts? [Bundle 5]
Are You Thinking The Right Thoughts?
5 Lesson Licenses for only $499
Lessons Included
Self Kindness
Learn the importance of being kind to yourself, the steps you need to take to fight the inner judge, and how to defeat old patterns of negative self-talk.
5 Reasons We Think The Way We Think
Change your thoughts, transform your results. Challenge your old beliefs, uncover your blind spots, and allow the truth to set you free.
7 Steps to Emotional Freedom
Explores the thinking-feeling feedback loop that keeps us stuck. Also, learn how to view your emotions (and emotional responses) through the framework of Albert Eliss’ A-B-C model.
You Get What You Believe
Every thought has ancestry. This lesson challenges you to take personal inventory of the ancestry of your beliefs and leads you on a journey to change your thought patterns.
Authentic Journaling
Authentic Journaling will allow you to give voice to that which is emerging from your soul. Learn (and help your clients learn) to ask yourself self-reflective questions that examine your core values and beliefs and connect you with your Creative Source.